Most venomous snake Black Mamba
2 minute read
Most venomous snake Black Mamba
sometimes the real thing is just as impressive to legend the black mamba is one of Africa's most feared serpents and it's all that and more its Africa's longest venomous snake growing to a length of 14 feet it's also the worlds fastest snake zipping along with it up to 12miles per hour its head is often described as coughing and for many in Africa this snake is synonymous with dead without antivenin the black mambas neuro toxins can kill a human in less than 15 minutes while its main prey items include small animals like rats Bushbabies and burns
its lethal bite is famous enough that even creatures several hundred times in size payout of its way the Mamba hunts by day it's not afraid to show the black interior of its mouth and scare the daylights out of this her it does this to avoid being trampled all it wants to do here is clear a path and the strategy works perfectly wouldn't you love to scare people like that yeah sure
would make getting through rush hour easier and for those of you who've seen enough nature documentaries you know what this means rush squirrel versus mama squirrels are one of the black mambas favorite meals and it gets worse then squirrel has a nest of young nearby and the
Mamba is just as cozy in a tree as on the ground the Mamba uses sight and scent to seek out its prey it has thesquirrel and its nest zeroed in the mother stays away but as for saving her babies there's not a single thing she can do but we can do something we can avoid the obligatory deadly mama chompscute baby squirrel shot let's cut right to the end of the meal just the last few crunches I hope you appreciated our discretion just be glad as a human you'll probably never encounter one of these elusive yet aggressive snakes
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