
Rat Snake have any vision issues in the daytime

2 minute read


Today we are going to talk about that snake the fastest make in India and this particular snake is around eight and a half feet which are recently rescued this particular snake is also called as farmers best friend because in an entire life span of a rat snake they kill around 20,000 rats.

Dhamin (Rat Snake)

In India, this snake is known as Dhamin (Rat Snake).

Dhamin (Rat Snake) is a snake that is medium to large in size. They are found in the Northern Hemisphere. They eat mice, birds, etc. This snake is not poisonous. This snake attacks its own accord and the organ that attacks it stops working. In addition, it is also able to fasten people with its strong body.

today I will be showing you how to identify this sneak 

Rat Snake

the head has four vertical lines so next time when you spot the snake don't try to kill it and it comes under Schedule one which is the most secured schedule of wildlife in India and in Mumbai right now where we are there are around 32 species and out of these 32 species the four common snakes which you get is this is one of the common snakes the bifurcated tongue helps the sneak just to analyze whether there is food in the surrounding or this thread

Rat Snake have any vision issues in the daytime

Rat Snake have any vision issues in the daytime

Like all other snakes, Rat Snakes have infamously poor eyesight, which is why they resort to protruding their tongues all the time to urge a way of their surroundings. But the creatures may have a way to improve their vision in a pinch.

At least for one snake species, when the slathered feels threatened, it controls the blood flow to its eyes to ensure that its sight is unobstructed.

 there is a myth that people think that snakes can remember things but this is completely wrong snakes can't remember or can't memorize things if anyone gets a bite of a snake the first thing you should do that clean the wound with water if you are in India go to government hospital because only in government hospitals the doctors are quite qualified to identify the weather it was a venomous bite or non venomous bite